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Gas Vs. Electric Appliances: Cost and New Construction

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For many of the appliances in your home, you’ll have two primary options if replacement is required: Gas or electric. If you’re not an expert in either of these fields, like most homeowners, how do you know which is best and which to consider for your needs?

At All Pro Appliance Service, we’re here to help with this and many related areas. We offer appliance repair and related solutions to numerous appliances, from heaters and air conditioners to ovens, washing machines and any others you can think of inside your home. In this two-part blog series, we’ll go over some the various elements you’ll be thinking about when choosing between gas and electric appliances if a replacement is needed, plus which of the two holds the advantage in each area.


Cost will naturally be an important factor when looking into an appliance, and at least in terms of up-front costs, this is one area where gas appliances tend to hold a moderate advantage over electric appliances. That being said, though, you’ll want to factor in all potential costs when making your decision – not just those that show up right away.

For example, electric dryers are often less expensive than their gas counterparts. But if you’re using an electric dryer and need to use a clothesline due to high energy costs in your area, you may find that the savings were not as significant as you first thought.

Additionally, certain high-end electric models may actually cost more than their gas counterparts. In other words, there’s no clear “winner” here – you’ll need to do some research on individual models and units before making a decision.

New Gas Line Vs Dedicated Circuit

If you’re installing a brand new appliance, you’ll need to factor in the cost of any new construction that’s required. This is where things can get tricky when comparing gas vs electric appliances – because each requires different types of infrastructure.

For a gas appliance, you’ll need a new gas line run to the appliance location. The cost of this will vary depending on a few factors, but you can generally expect to spend a few hundred dollars on the new line, plus any associated labor costs.

On the other hand, electric appliances need a dedicated circuit run to them. The cost of this will also vary depending on factors like the distance from the breaker box and whether or not you need any new outlets installed. In general, though, the cost of a dedicated circuit is going to be lower than that of a new gas line.

In part two of our series, we’ll go over some further considerations to make when choosing between gas and electric appliances. For more on this, or to learn about any of our appliance repair or related services, speak to the team at All Pro Appliance Repair today.

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