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Spring HVAC Prep: Cleaning, Refrigerant, Leaks

technician fixing HVAC

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basics on spring maintenance for your home’s HVAC system and some of the most important areas that should be covered here. From professional upkeep to themes like your filter, your thermostat and more, there are several major parts of your HVAC system, both heating and cooling, that should be inspected and perhaps repaired this time of year.

At All Pro Appliance Service, we’re happy to offer Salt Lake City’s best air conditioning repair, heating services and other HVAC solutions to ensure you and your family are comfortable throughout the year. Today’s part two of our series will look at some further areas that should be covered during spring maintenance, whether on your own or with the help of our team wherever necessary.

Keeping Units Clean and Free of Debris

One simple aspect that often goes overlooked is the dirt, dust and debris inside the interior of your HVAC units. Over time, this can build up and cause the unit to become more inefficient and potentially lead to bigger problems down the road.

Make sure you take a look at both portions – heating and cooling – to make sure there’s no buildup around or inside any of the components. If you find that there is, call our technicians in order to make sure they’re cleared out properly and safely.

Checking Refrigerant Levels

When it comes to your cooling system in particular, one area we strongly recommend having a professional take a look at is refrigerant levels. This ensures that your unit is running at peak efficiency, and if there are any issues here, our technicians can give you a comprehensive analysis on what areas need to be looked into.

It’s also important to check for any signs of leaking refrigerant – this should never be handled by anyone other than a professional with the proper certifications.

Cleaning Vents and Registers

Especially if you’ve noticed buildups of dust and debris, taking the time to clean out vents and registers in your home can go a long way towards improved air quality and also efficiency. Make sure you use something like a vacuum cleaner hose or gentle cloth when doing this so that you don’t cause any damage to either portion.

Check for Leaks – And Insulate if Needed

Finally, one area many homeowners overlook is checking for leaks. This can go a long way towards improving your system’s efficiency, and if you find any major issues here, our team can help with insulation and other services as needed.

These are just a few of the areas that should be covered during spring HVAC maintenance in your home or business. Of course, the best way to ensure that your system is running in top condition is to have a professional inspect and repair any areas of concern. Reach out to All Pro Appliance Service today for all of your heating and air conditioning repair needs across Salt Lake City!

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