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Mice in Appliances: Locations and Remedies

mouse in a washing machine

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basic signs that there could be mice present in your home, and particularly in some of your appliances. Mice sometimes like to invade appliances because of their protected space, heat and even occasional food access, but some basic attention will help you spot this issue and remedy it quickly.

At All Pro Appliance Service, we’re here to offer a wide range of appliance repair services to clients around Salt Lake City, including everything from stove repair to dishwasher repair, washer repair and more. Today’s part two of our series will look at a few of the most common specific appliances mice like to hide out in, plus how to remove them and remedy any damage they’ve created – a process our team is happy to assist you with.

Dryer or Dryer Vent

Mice can often be found in dryers and dryer vents as well, and this can be a particular issue if they’ve burrowed too deeply into the vent system. The first thing to do is to locate the mice, and you can do this by looking for telltale signs like droppings on top of or behind the dryer. You may be able to hear a faint scratching sound if they’re inside, though this isn’t always possible. Once you’ve located them, it’s time to remove them.

The best way to get rid of any rodents including mice is to use a humane approach. You can use traps baited with food, and always remember to check the traps regularly so that no mouse remains in the trap for an extended period of time. Once you’ve removed them successfully, it’s important to inspect your dryer or vent system for any damage they might have done. If you’re unsure as to how extensive this damage might be, it’s always a good idea to call an appliance repair expert who can help you assess the situation.


Another common appliance that mice can sometimes try to make their home is an oven. This is a tricky one, as the heat of an oven may not be enough to deter them – and given the enclosed space, it’s a particularly appealing spot for them.

As with any kind of rodent problem, the first thing you’ll want to do is locate where they’re hiding. The most common place is in the back of an oven, but you may also find droppings or other signs around the outside. If they’re inside, it’s best to try and use traps baited with food to remove them humanely. Just remember to check the traps regularly – and as always, if you’re unsure how extensive any damage might be, we recommend calling our experts.

Washing Machine

While slightly less common than the other appliances mentioned, mice can and do often try to hide out in a washing machine. Again, the best way to detect them is to look for signs like droppings or strange scratching noises. Once you’ve located them, it’s time to remove them using traps baited with food, making sure to check the traps regularly until they’re all gone.

At All Pro Appliance Service, we can help you assess any damage the mice might have caused to your appliance – and if you need repairs, our team is always available to help. Don’t let rodents take up residence in your appliances; with the right attention and care, you can nip this issue in the bud quickly.

The post Mice in Appliances: Locations and Remedies appeared first on AllPro Appliance.
